Sunday, May 3, 2009

Up on the Farm

Yes, this is definitely UP on the Farm as against Down on the Farm as Gortbrack is settled in the foothills of the Slieve Mish mountains approximately 450' high looking across the beautiful Vale of Tralee in the 'Kingdom' of Kerry.
Gortbrack is an absolute hive of activity. This 10 acre small-holding is one of the best examples of a working farm with Bio-diversity and Organic principles oozing from every corner. Eileen Carroll and Ian McGrigor's love and commitment to this lifelong endeavor is music to the soul for anyone who has an interest in Nature, the Earth, Growing, Organics, Bio-diversity and Life. They and their dedicated team have truly succeeded in producing a true living example of how farming and growing can be achieved in the most practical way which respects the whole environment and all it's dependents.
So, with that little introduction, hopefully this Blog will facilitate many of you taking away a little of their expertise which has the potential to Brighten your days a little and take you a step closer to this wonderful Earth!

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